College supplement essay
Rip Van Winkle Essay Topics
Friday, August 28, 2020
Oedipus the King by Sophocles
Karina Lazcano Oedipus the King by Sophocles English Literature Anderson Many will contend that destiny can't be gotten away in Oedipus the King by Sophocles, where the primary character is depicted as an awful saint with a foreordained destiny. Both the idea of destiny and freewill had an intrinsic impact in Oedipus' destruction. The play recommends that destiny rules over unrestrained choice. Oedipus never had control of his destiny; the day his mom brought forth him, his folks endeavored to kill him so as to forestall the prescience. â€Å"True: it isn't from me your destiny will come.That exists in Apollo’s capability, as it is his concern†(75, 159-160). Oedipus destiny was the God’s will that condemned him since birth. Destiny aced choice when Oedipus’ pride invades his haughtiness and leads him to leave the guardians he thought were his organic guardians. Just to come that his haughtiness drove him closer to his natural guardians and bound by the sc ourge of Thebes. Therefore, Sophocles calls attention to that as much as choice happens, life is foreordained. Oedipus attempts his best to maintain a strategic distance from the prescience that Teiresias anticipated; that he will kill his dad and wed his mother.Oedipus attempted to change his destiny by moving endlessly, as a general rule it just carried him closer to his intersection destiny. Jean de La Fontaine once stated, â€Å"A individual regularly meets his predetermination out and about he took to maintain a strategic distance from it. †Oedipus goes up against his natural dad in a crossing point, at that point slaughtering his dad with his uncovered hands, similarly as the prophet that was advised to him. Slaughtering King Laios began another issue; Thebes was currently under another plague that drives Oedipus the King to discover the killer of the King Laios. â€Å".. The Sphinx was performing here, What help were you to these people?†¦But I stopped by, Oedip us, the straightforward man, who knows nothing-I thoroughly considered it for myself, no flying creatures helped me! †(75, 175-182) Pride and certainty drove Oedipus, the King of Thebes to direct and secure his kin yet as a general rule Oedipus’ through and through freedom just made a way, for which delayed the inquiry of the killer of Laios. Oedipus guarantees that â€Å"once more [he] must bring what is dull to light†(71, 134). Making new issue that he will spare the individuals from the plague by finding the killer of King Laios, in which incidentally he is attempting to spare from himself.According to Fosso, â€Å"thebe’s plague, and have lived on in glad though plague-ridden ignorance†¦. his bliss would essentially be that of not realizing that he had satisfied his frightful destiny†. Despite the fact that the plague was brought about by Oedipus himself he at long last made sense of reality with regards to his introduction to the world, I ocaste likewise made sense of before her self destruction that destiny itself was inescapable. Despite the fact that Laios, Iocaste, and Oedipus all attempted to get away from their destiny, it will undoubtedly be at some point or another. Iocaste disclosed to Oedipus she was certain his destiny was not to turn out to be valid, in light of the fact that she is wary of prophecies.Since from the outset Iocaste imagined that her child was dead, she sent for his demise and her better half was slaughtered by a gathering of criminals yet she gradually reveals reality and attempts to gradually secure Oedipus for comfort. â€Å"Why would it be a good idea for anyone to in this world be apprehensive, since destinies rules us and nothing can be predicted? A man should live just for the current day. Have no more dread of laying down with your mom: what number of men, in dreams, have lain with their moms! No sensible man is upset by such things†(84, 64-69). She gets furious of Oedipusâ €™ endeavors to discover reality with regards to his birth.Iocaste assumes two jobs in the play, as a mother and as a mate. When Iocaste understands that the prediction came valid, she attempts to disclose to him that the future doesn't make a difference. Toward the end Oedipus doesn't take as a main priority her recommendation, it is fierce for her as she realizes what will occur and executes herself. Teiresias additionally assumes a major job in the play as he has Oedipus asking for reality. â€Å"But I state that you, with both your eyes, are visually impaired: You can't see an amazing wretchedness, nor in whose house you live, no, nor with whom. Who are your dad and mom? Would you be able to tell me?You don't have the foggiest idea about the visually impaired wrongs that you have done them yet the twofold lash of your parents’ revile will whip you out of this land sometime in the not so distant future, with just night upon your valuable eye†(75, 196-205). Tires ias predicts that Oedipus will wind up visually impaired and out of Thebes . Oedipus precludes practically all from securing it and disregards him. In any case, Teiresias himself knows his unavoidable destiny. The play shows that destiny is unavoidable without respect of the things done to stay away from it. When Iocaste and Oedipus himself attempt to keep away from reality, Iocaste at long last understands that her ex Laios, and herself couldn't challenge destiny. Everything that I state is to your benefit! †(86, 147) Iocaste then attempts to turn into a mother figure for Oedipus and expects to control him away from his guarantee to the individuals of Thebes. Lord Oedipus utilized his capacity to assist him with finding reality, where he was blinded himself from. Looking for the fact of the matter was Oedipus own choice, no one else settled on the choice to look for the killer of Thebes however himself. His self-importance didn't permit him to address himself. More or less, O edipus feels a feeling of regret as he understands all the torment he has cause for his family and himself. In any case, the blinding hand was my own! How might I bear to see when all my sight was loathsomeness all over the place? †(90, 112-13) However, since he is visually impaired he can now â€Å"see†his frenzy. Now we see all pride, regardless of pomposity set as Oedipus admits that his freewill worked connected at the hip with his destiny. Oedipus was at last constrained by destiny and not unrestrained choice. Oedipus lost his significant other, he lost his visual perception, and he lost his youngsters, and lost his crown. Somewhat, we see Oedipus defeat, his pride and self-importance prompted this revelation which brought about him losing everything that he had.Oedipus’ by and large endeavor of choice to raise his degree of the divine beings and attempting to maintain a strategic distance from his own destiny fizzled. Works Cited Dudley, Fitts, and Fitzge rland Robert. â€Å"Oedipus the King (. 430 B. C. ). †Trans. Exhibit. Orlando, FL: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 1977. 67-93. Print. Apr. 2013 Fosso, Kurt. â€Å"Oedipus essence: sensible uncertainty in Oedipus the King. †College Literature 39. 3 (2012): 26+. Writing Resource Center. Web. Apr. 2013. Jean de La Fontaine . â€Å"A individual regularly meets his predetermination out and about he took to dodge it. †Think exist. Web. Apr 2013.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Global Leadership and Change Free Samples â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Recognize the current worldwide patterns that you see driving a worldwide authority plan and characterize your obligation and need to proceed to adjust and develop as a worldwide pioneer. Answer: Presentation: The portfolio is centered around to survey the requirement for worldwide authority for future enhancements of the associations. The whole assignment will focus on deciding the current worldwide patterns that are liable for guiding the plan of worldwide administration. The necessities of the improvement of worldwide administration are unmistakably connected with the ongoing worldwide patterns. Likewise with the rise of globalization the authoritative structures are changing after some time, along these lines, there is an expanding requirement for changing the administration structure. As per Bradshaw (2009), the term authority connotes the capacity of an individual to control and train a solitary individual or a gathering of people or an association. Accordingly, for the achievement of an association advancement of initiative practices are fundamental, it encourages the associations to work in the market productively just as gainfully. Along these lines, the present patterns of global ization delineate that the business sectors are progressively liberal, and there is a ceaselessly expanding degree of rivalry in the market. So as to, adapt up to this sort of antagonistic circumstance the associations ought to settle on building up a productive and viable administration rehearses inside the association (Thorn, 2012). This will, thus, help the representatives to get qualified to meet all the present market needs in a productive and time viable way. Hence, directly improvement of administration aptitudes is a vital factor for the people. The examination will likewise focus on giving a proper hypothesis to the improvement of administration capacities by the people. In the following scarcely any areas, the related concerns with respect to the worldwide authority needs and improvement have been talked about quickly. Worldwide initiative worries for what's to come: As indicated by Gardner (2006), the worldwide administration plan portrays extensively four patterns that are explicit and sufficiently able to drive the whole procedure. The pioneers are presently being characterized by duties and impact, not by their jobs. It has been seen that the majority of the workers of the greater associations portray the pioneers by their level of impact in the association not by their assignment. The superior associations are these days giving supervisors the office to pick intentionally to be a piece of the authority advancement programs. The key workforce arranging these days drives the worldwide administration advancement programs. Business execution is being utilized as a device to gauge the viability of the authority advancement program. The worldwide patterns connote that the development and mindfulness parts of the worldwide administration program are important to be coordinated with the present patterns of worldwide authority needs. In this manner, with the expansion in the degree of obligations, it is basic for the supervisors or the potential chiefs to develop a noteworthy degree of mindfulness. According to Loâ pez-Mulnix, Wolverton and Zaki (2011), this will assist them with achieving authoritative accomplishment just as controlling others in a proficient way and along these lines increment the productivity of the association all in all. Once more, as expressed in unit-2, the business execution is currently being utilized as an estimation of the adequacy of worldwide initiative projects it is additionally fundamental to create self-awareness so as to accomplish a superior authority development, so that at last the program succeeds. Rising administration hypothesis to direct your authority advancement: As indicated by Holt and Seki (2012), there are various authority speculations, which the rising chiefs may follow so as to oversee and build up the workforce of the association. Presently, so as to relieve the issues emerging out of ongoing patterns in globalization and different outer variables the association may receive the possibility hypothesis of authority. This will assist the association with assimilating the present patterns of globalization just as the improvement of the association. The possibility hypothesis depends on the situational examination of the association just as the apparent nature of the pioneer. Accordingly, the possibility hypothesis of administration improvement can be utilized by the association at the present circumstance in order to adapt up to the present patterns of globalization and the aptitude necessities of the laborers. As indicated by Mobley, Li and Wang (2011), innovative variables, intrigue gatherings of the clients, contenders, wholesalers and providers are the fundamental possibilities for the association. Morgan (2014), brought up specific highlights of the possibility hypothesis of authority, for example, the associations should be mindful while taking care of the reality of fulfilling the inside needs of the association just as considering the natural factors moreover. The techniques shaped inside the association ought to keep up a request as per the natural elements. Be that as it may, the maker of the model that is Fred Fiedler expressed that, the associations should care for a couple of realities with the goal that the model can plan the administration structure all the more adequately. The connection between the pioneer and the supporters ought to be amenable. The pioneers ought to be outfitted with a definitive force in the association, so they can lead the association towards success all the more effectively (Caligiuri Tarique, 2012). Contrasted with different hypotheses it is very obvious that picking the possibility hypothesis will be proper for the association. This is on the grounds that the social hypothesis of worker inspiration depends on the way that the viability of the administration rehearses relies upon the capacity of the pioneer to make an expert connection with the association. Subsequently, applying this hypothesis may not be fitting, as this hypothesis doesn't stress on the situational investigation of the association just as the outer condition (Osland Bird, 2013). In the past task, the duties to plan for turning into a pioneer have been talked about. The report likewise contained certain speculations that are vital for the pioneers to learn so as to remain centered towards the authoritative objective. The objective of authority is to inspire a workforce or various individuals to accomplish a shared objective together. In this manner, it tends to be said that the unit has secured all the parts of initiative duty and that also regarding different associations to give pragmatic models. Along these lines, it very well may be said that the unit has gotten fruitful in accomplishing all the parts of authority obligations (Chhokar, Brodbeck House, 2013). Individual arrangement for creating worldwide authority capabilities: So as to accomplish the correct administration and arranging, the pioneers need to comprehend the duties and their own capacities with respect to their administration aptitudes. Self-improvement is the center movement of building up the initiative aptitudes for performing better in the work places. Obligations and the necessities to embrace and develop as a worldwide pioneer: So as to build up the abilities for the worldwide authority, the pioneers need to guarantee the accompanying duties: Rouse the workforce: One of the most significant obligations of the worldwide authority and the executives is to move the workforce for better exhibitions. The pioneers of any association have the duty of propelling the lower level representatives. They need to move them and lead them for growing better future by accomplishing the objectives and targets of their working field (Steers, Sanchez-Runde Nardon, 2012). Creating connections: The pioneers are additionally answerable for creating associations with the representatives of the association in which they are working. They ought to build up a work environment condition in which the representatives will have the option to build up a decent relational relationship among them (Stahl et al., 2012). Observing: The exercises of the whole workforce ought to be checked by the pioneers. The pioneers have the dependable of checking the nature of the works done by the representatives. They ought to examine the productivity of the work and the exercises for understanding the quality and shortcomings of the individual representatives and the entire workforce (Gagnon Collinson, 2014). Supporting: The compelling pioneers need to sustain different representatives. Savvy pioneers develop the abilities of the representatives for understanding their initiative aptitudes. The pioneers have the obligation of creating future pioneers who will capable handle the significant duties. They ought to exhibit the administration abilities for helping the representatives to be the future heads (Mendenhall et al., 2012). Creating society: The hierarchical culture assumes a crucial job in the achievement of their tasks. The pioneers of the association have the duties of building up a decent culture in the work environments which will empower the chance of high efficiency from the representatives (Youssef Luthans, 2012). Analyze: Effective pioneers have the obligation of diagnosing crafted by the representatives. They ought to figure out who are performing better and who are not working better. They need to comprehend the idea of the issue the representatives are confronting while at the same time working in their work environments and afterward fix the issues by legitimate determination. Observe: The festivals help the representatives to have some positive sentiments in the working environments. The pioneers have the duties of finding the reasons and mastermind festivities in the working environments. Impart: The pioneers ought to convey the pertinent data to the representative in a successful way. They need to perceive the correspondence targets and data and afterward speak with the partners. These can be any new choices, desires, activities against objections and so on. They should take both the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Ethical Theories Free Essays
string(143) others as we would wish to be dealt with ourselves doesn't mean creation the supposition that others feel precisely as we do about everything. Ethics characterize our character; morals direct the working of a social framework. Morals point towards the use of ethical quality. In the wake of this getting, national, social and work environment morals depend on the theoretical good codes embraced and clung to by every individual from the gathering. We will compose a custom paper test on Moral Theories or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Morals set out a lot of codes that individuals must follow. Morals are comparative with peers, calling, network, society and country. Ethics are and are subject to an individual’s decision or convictions or religion and can mean doing the correct thing. A guide to assist you with understanding the distinction would be: Abortion is legitimate and in this manner medicinally moral, while numerous individuals discover it by and by corrupt. Morals can be generally easy to follow, while applying ethics can be unequivocally harder. There can be an ethical difficulty, however not a moral one. While great ethics speak to right and upstanding behavior, morals act more as rules. Morals are appropriate or clung to by a gathering or network or society, while ethics identify with people. As should be obvious from the above conversation that morals and ethics may appear to be comparative, however are in reality rather particular. While ethics comprise a fundamental human marker of right conduct and direct, morals are progressively similar to a lot of rules that characterize adequate conduct and practices for a specific gathering of people or society. Deontological hypotheses: Deontological speculations are the class of standardizing moral speculations. It is a type of good way of thinking fixated on the standards of eighteenth century scholar Immanuel Kant. Its name originates from the Greek words Deon and logos, which means the investigation of obligation. Deon implies obligation. Activities are ethically right are those as per certain standards, obligations, rights and adages. Deontological speculations hold that an action’s snugness or misleading quality relies upon its congruity a specific good standard paying little heed to the results. Activities can be ethically allowed, required or illegal. Results of the exercises are not significant as per deontological hypothesis. The premise of deontology is to evaluate a person’s character by how well the individual adheres to moral standards, regardless of whether thusly, terrible outcomes happen. Deontology consistently advocates the Right over the Good. The deontological model of morals decides the rightness of an ethical activity by deciding whether it follows moral standards. For example, Kant gave the model that it isn't right to lie regardless of whether it could spare a person’s life. The specialist focused hypothesis of deontology: center around the obligations of the ethical operator (the individual acting); instead of the privileges of individual being followed up on (understanding focused hypothesis). Act just as per that adage where by you can simultaneously as an end and never only as an unfortunate obligation. Lying is prohibited, provided that lying is an all inclusive activity, society would be subverted. Additionally it is states that people’s moral decisions are controlled by close to home commitment and consent. For example, a parent is committed to regard their kid as more significant than others; nonetheless, different grown-ups have no commitment to treat that parent’s youngster any uniquely in contrast to any other individual. Since individuals can have individual commitments that are not quite the same as others, they likewise have authorization to secure their commitments to the detriment of others. In this hypothesis, a parent has authorization to spare their own youngster regardless of whether it implies causing adverse or deplorable ramifications for different people’s kids. The patient-focused hypothesis: that manage rights, it implies an activity isn't right on the off chance that it abuses a person’s right (life, freedom, property/the quest for joy) or against being utilized uniquely as a methods for delivering great outcomes without one’s assent. It fixates on the privileges of people as opposed to individual obligation. It expresses that people reserve the option to not be utilized for moral great against their wills. For example, a killer can't be murdered without their authorization regardless of whether it would spare a few lives. The Advantages of Deontological Theories Deontological profound quality leaves space for operators to give unique worry to their families, companions, and activities. In any event that is so if the deontological ethical quality contains no solid obligation of general liberality or, on the off chance that it does, it puts a plug on that duty’s requests. Deontological ethical quality, along these lines, evades the excessively requesting and barring parts of consequentialism and accords more with conventional thoughts of our ethical obligations. The Weakness of Deontological Theories Paradox of deontological hypotheses: We are for taboo from disregarding certain obligations and rights even to forestall more infringement of specific obligations and rights. Deontological hypotheses have additionally shaky areas. First and generally significant of all, is the appearing nonsensicalness of the having obligations or authorizations to aggravate the world ethically. Deontology is and will consistently be incomprehensible, except if a nonconsequentialist model of reasonability is made; deontologists need to defuse the model of soundness that spurs consequentialist hypotheses. The Golden principle: is known as the ethic of correspondence, this celebrated cross-culture proverb states: â€Å"Do to others as you need them to do to you†. Humanists attempt to grasp the ethical standard known as the ‘Golden Rule’, also called the ethic of correspondence, which implies we accept that individuals should intend to treat each other as they might want to be dealt with themselves †with resilience, thought and sympathy. Humanists like the Golden Rule in view of its all inclusiveness, in light of the fact that it is gotten from human emotions and experience and in light of the fact that it expects individuals to consider others and attempt to envision how they may think and feel. It is a basic and clear default position for moral dynamic. Now and again individuals contend that the Golden Rule is flawed in light of the fact that it makes the supposition that everybody has similar tastes and conclusions and needs to be dealt with the equivalent in each circumstance. However, the Golden Rule is a general good guideline, not an immovable standard to be applied to everything about existence. Regarding others as we would wish to be dealt with ourselves doesn't mean creation the presumption that others feel precisely as we do about everything. You read Moral Theories in classification Papers The treatment we as a whole need is acknowledgment that we are people, each with our own conclusions and emotions and for these sentiments and emotions to be managed regard and thought. The Golden Rule isn't an order to force one’s will on another person! Attempting to live as indicated by the Golden Rule; implies attempting to identify with others, including the individuals who might be totally different from us. Sympathy is at the foundation of thoughtfulness, empathy, comprehension and regard †characteristics that we as a whole value being appeared, whoever we are, whatever we think and any place we originate from. Consequentialism: Hold that; this action’s rightness or misleading quality relies upon outcomes it causes (bliss or agony). Consequentialist hypotheses state that; the ethical rightness of activity can be controlled by taking a gander at its results, if the outcomes are acceptable, the demonstration is correct. The correct demonstration produces most noteworthy proportion of good to underhandedness of any other option. On the off chance that the results are terrible the demonstration isn't right. Lying by and large is awful as indicated by morals, however on the off chance that we don’t express that her disease to lady with malignant growth might be it will be better. Consequentialism is an ethical hypothesis, which remains under the standardizing moral speculations. It tends to be utilized as rules to illuminate on the most proficient method to determine moral issues. This particular good hypothesis centers around the outcomes of one’s activities, instead of taking a gander at the rightness and misleading quality of a demonstration. Thusly an ethically right act is a demonstration that makes a decent outcome or result. As per this hypothesis the morally right choice is the one that creates the best outcomes: â€Å"The end legitimizes the means†. Consequentialists acknowledge and acknowledge the way that troublesome good decisions here and there harm others. Subsequently they are more adaptable than obligation based scholars. It is generally essential to take a gander at outcomes and dissect the results’ sway on others. Accordingly this hypothesis is acceptable in moral problems, since it focuses on the effect of our conduct on others. There are two kinds of consequentialist hypotheses: 1-Egoism 2-Utilitarianism 1-Egoism It fights that a demonstration is good when it advances the individual’s best long haul interests. On the off chance that an activity delivers or is expected to create of more prominent proportion of good to detestable for the person over the long haul than some other option, at that point it is the correct activity to perform. Moral selfishness guarantees that it is essential and adequate for an activity to be ethically right that it expand one’s personal circumstance. Pride: The view that profound quality matches with the personal responsibility of an individual or an association. Vain people: Those who decide the virtue of an activity dependent on the guideline of individual preferred position. An activity is ethically right on the off chance that it advances one’s long haul intrigue. An activity is ethically off-base on the off chance that it subverts it. There are two kinds of pride: a-Personal selfishness: You seek after your own wellbeing, however don’t care what others do. Individual prideful people guarantee they should seek after their own best long haul interests, yet they don't state what others ought to do. Individual prideful people seek after their own personal circumstance however don't make the general case that all people ought to do likewise. Individual Egoism is a view as indicated by which an individual cases that he/she should do what is
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Two Examples of ielts Essay Task 2
Two Examples of ielts Essay Task 2The first two samples are examples of writing a short essay for an ielts essay task 2 test. This means that these two papers are from the same style that the rest of the ielts students will see.The first samples are the longer ones. In these you will have to read an entire page of a non-fiction book with one word after another and an essay is a very big thing to do in such a short amount of time. However, it will certainly not be the most difficult thing to do. You should be able to do it with just your fingers but you need to be very conscious of how much you are blushing when you have to read this lengthy paragraph.In these you will have to write an independent articles and you will need to prepare for the questions. As they say, you will need to do your best, but if you do not have all of the information, you will have to read the parts of the paper twice, if you want to learn the answers from the answers.The independent articles are another examp le of its essay task 2 samples. In these you will write a short passage of words and think about the way you are able to write such a large amount of words.Finally, we have the short paragraph that is for the essay task 2 test. In this one you will also have to read and you will not be able to write a whole paper. It is just a page of a non-fiction book that will not make you blush while you are studying but you should be able to write an essay as short as one page.You will be writing and you will need to be very careful while you are writing. There are some sentences that you have to change a lot because you will know what is wrong with the sentence. Also, you should have a good style that you can choose for the essays that you will write. The last thing is that you will have to write in a written manner.Remember that essay task 2 samples will not make you know all the details about writing an essay. You will still need to do your best and you will need to make mistakes in the essa y. So, be good in all of the components that are needed for you to have a good looking essay.
Friday, May 15, 2020
School Prayer Separation of Church and State
While the phrase â€Å"separation of church and state†does not appear in the U.S Constitution, it forms the basis of the reason that organized prayer, as well as almost all types of religious ceremonies and symbols, have been banned at U.S. public schools and most public buildings since 1962. In the United States, church and stateâ€â€the governmentâ€â€must remain separate according to the â€Å"establishment clause†of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...†Basically, the establishment clause prohibits federal, state and local governments from displaying religious symbols or conducting religious practices on or in any property under the control of those governments, like courthouses, public libraries, parks and, most controversially, public schools. While the establishment clause and the constitutional concept of separation of church and state have been used over the years to force governments to remove things like the Ten Commandments and nativity scenes from their buildings and grounds, they have more famously been used to force the removal of prayer from America’s public schools. School Prayer Declared Unconstitutional In parts of America, regular school prayer was practiced until 1962, when the U.S. Supreme Court, in the landmark case of Engel v. Vitale, ruled it unconstitutional. In writing the Courts opinion, Justice Hugo Black cited the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment: It is a matter of history that this very practice of establishing governmentally composed prayers for religious services was one of the reasons which caused many of our early colonists to leave England and seek religious freedom in America. ... Neither the fact that the prayer may be denominationally neutral nor the fact that its observance on the part of the students is voluntary can serve to free it from the limitations of the Establishment Clause ... Its first and most immediate purpose rested on the belief that a union of government and religion tends to destroy government and to degrade religion ...The Establishment Clause thus stands as an expression of principle on the part of the Founders of our Constitution that religion is too personal, too sacred, too holy, to permit its unhallowed perversion by a civil magistrate... In the case of Engel v. Vitale, the Board of Education of Union Free School District No. 9 in New Hyde Park, New York directed that the following prayer must be said aloud by each class in the presence of a teacher at the beginning of each school day: Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country. The parents of 10 school children brought the action against the Board of Education challenging its constitutionality. In their decision, the Supreme Court did indeed find the requirement of the prayer to be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court had, in essence, re-drawn constitutional lines by ruling that public schools, as part of the â€Å"state,†were no longer a place for the practice of religion. How the Supreme Court Decide Issues of Religion in Government Over many years and many cases mainly involving religion in public schools, the Supreme Court has developed three tests to be applied to religious practices for determining their constitutionality under the First Amendment’s establishment clause. The Lemon Test Based on the 1971 case of Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602, 612-13, the court will rule a practice unconstitutional if: The practice lacks any secular purpose. That is if the practice lacks any non-religious purpose; orthe practice either promotes or inhibits a particular religion; orthe practice excessively (in the courts opinion) involves the government with a religion. The Coercion Test Based on the 1992 case of Lee v. Weisman, 505 U.S. 577 the religious practice is examined to see to what extent, if any, overt pressure is applied to force or coerce individuals to participate. The Court has defined that Unconstitutional coercion occurs when: (1) the government directs (2) a formal religious exercise (3) in such a way as to oblige the participation of objectors. The Endorsement Test Finally, drawing from the 1989 case of Allegheny County v. ACLU, 492 U.S. 573, the practice is examined to see if it unconstitutionally endorses religion by conveying a message that religion is favored, preferred, or promoted over other beliefs. Church and State Controversy Will Not Go Away Religion, in some form, has always been a part of our government. Our money reminds us that, In God we Trust. And, in 1954, the words under God were added to the Pledge of Allegiance. President Eisenhower, said at the time that in doing so Congress was, ...reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in Americas heritage and future; in this way, we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our countrys most powerful resource in peace and war. It is probably safe to say that for a very long time in the future, the line between church and state will be drawn with a wide brush and gray paint. The Roots of Separation of Church and State  The phrase â€Å"separation of church and state†can be traced to a letter written by Thomas Jefferson for the purpose of explaining the intent and application of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution. In the letter addressed to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut, and published in at least one Massachusetts newspaper. Jefferson wrote, â€Å"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church State.† Historians believe that in his words, Jefferson was echoing the beliefs of Puritan minister Roger Williams, founder of the first Baptist church in America, who had in 1664 written that he sensed the need for â€Å"a hedge or wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness of the world.â€
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Decline Of The Roman Empire - 1845 Words
The decline of the Roman Empire marked an end to an age of peace and prosperity. Between the years 121 AD to 161 AD, Roman society was ruled under the â€Å"five good emperors†Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, and Marcus Aurelius. Embodied with a wealth of wisdom and competence, the emperors brought Rome to its height of territorial expansion and stability. As the third century rolled around, the empire succumbed to a state of chaos and instability. Under the rule of the barrack emperors, Roman society was weakened by the greed and corruption of the leaders, as well by the ineffective public policy that was implemented. Aside from internal affairs, Rome also struggled with foreign pressures. Having one of the longest borders in history,†¦show more content†¦Aside from his discussion on the details surrounding the fall of the empire, Gibbon also ties in the causes to the decline of learning and genius during this period. It was a time when â€Å"a cloud of crit ics, of compilers, of commentators, darkened the face of learning, and the decline of genius was soon followed by the corruption of taste (Gibbon, 64).†Since the transition from the old Republic to the new empire, learning thrived throughout the land. Following the death of Mark Antony in 30 B.C., Octavian took control of the Senate and became Imperator, Augustus, and Principate. He held both political and divine power. More importantly, under the rule of Octavian we see the flourishing of literature, art and intellectual life. Having advanced communication and travel, the Romans were able to send letters and classical texts throughout different geographical regions. We witness a diffusion of Greek and Roman culture that would help to expand scientific, literate, and even philosophic thought as understood by the people. The Augustus age, spanning from 43 B.C to 18 A.D, signified a â€Å"golden age of literature†. As Gibbon describes it, â€Å"Homer as well as Virgil were transcribed and studied on the banks of the Rhine and Danube (Gibbon, 63). The contributions of earlier intellectual thinkers, such as Aristotle and Plato diffused all throughout Roman society. As the Phil-Hellenist movement heightened the awareness of GreekShow MoreRelatedThe Decline Of The Roman Empire1463 Words  | 6 PagesWhat were the most important reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire? Why? The fall of the Western Roman Empire is a very broad topic because there were a multitude of continuous events that led to the disappearance of one of the most legendary empires of the world. The seemingly unstoppable Roman Empire would fall due to the fact that many aspects that made Rome such a dominant empire began to fade. Rome was the center of the world and the thought that such a power in the world could decreaseRe ad MoreThe Decline Of The Roman Empire Essay1768 Words  | 8 Pages The Roman Empire was or could be one of the greatest empires to have ever existed to this day. Just like many empires the Roman Empire fell to betrayal, religion, and war. Lasting from 27BC to 1453 the Roman Empire to me is the most interesting empire to talk about. When you take any history class that explores times outside the US, you hear about the Roman Empire being involved some way or somehow. The Roman Empire history can go on for days. I will pack most of the history into a small 5 pageRead MoreThe Decline Of The Roman Empire1020 Words  | 5 Pages Emperor reforms, outside invasions and financial weakness ultimately caused the decline of the Roman Empire in the West, because each of these events chipped away at the center and the longevity of the Roman Empire from 180 AD to the early fifth century. After the death of the last of the five good emperors, Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD, the Roman Empire began to form into a military monarchy, which was not based on prior lineage but loyalty to the army. The familial aspects of choosing the next emperorRead MoreThe Decline Of The Roman Empire1437 Words  | 6 Pages It is incredible how once the most dominating Empire in the ancient world declined and fell apart so suddenly. The Roman Empire lasted from 31 BCE to 476 CE and controlled most of the Mediterranean world. It was founded when Augustus Caesar converted the conflicted and split Rome into an Empire. At one point, it was the greatest Empire with extraordinary power†¦ But then everything changed. This is due to multiple issues within Rome itself and outside of it as well. First of all,Read MoreThe Decline Of The Roman Empire2298 Words  | 10 Pagestheories on the decline of the Roman Empire and whether or not it completely fell. There are many differe nt theories why the Roman Empire collapsed and what caused it to happened such as military failure, invasions of Barbarians, political problems, economic problems, and the spread of Christianity. Prior to the invasion and fall of the Roman Empire, the economy was crumbling and Rome was headed into a decline. The Empire split into two empires, the Byzantine (Eastern) and the Roman (Western), inRead MoreThe Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire913 Words  | 4 Pages A consistent measure throughout all history has been that all great empires fall. Many theories have been given to why the empire fell, but Gibbons famous book, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, provides reasoning for what we consider as why Rome fell. Even though there was an inconsistency of leadership, the main reason for the decline of the Roman Empire was due to the size of the empire. Supporting Gibbons reasoning, Rome fell because the immense size was too large to control, leadersRead MoreDecline And Fall Of The Roman Empire1310 Words  | 6 Pagesthat the Roman Empire was the greatest Empire in history. They destroyed their enemies and took their land. They had control of the Mediterranean Sea and all of the trade that went through it. Places like the Pantheon were constructed and laws such as stare decisis were created. The Roman Empire was an empire that many people wanted to live under. Then, like all empires eventually do, it fell. Looking at history, there are nine possible reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. The firstRead MoreThe Decline Of The Roman Empire930 Words  | 4 PagesThe Roman Empire is considered one of the most successful civilizations in the history of the world for many reasons, and because of the large number, the fall of the empire becomes much more interesting. The dominance of Rome at its time wasn t by accident. Various reasons for its success, such as the army, the daily life and the Pax Romana, left a blueprint for how to rule the world. These reasons leave many learners questioning how it could possibly cease to rule for longer than it did. ConspiracyRead MoreThe Decline Of The Roman Empire797 Words  | 4 Pages As the Roman Empire was closing out the end of the third century they were faced with both internal and external concerns (Irvin, History of the World Christian Movement, 160). Some of the contributing factors to the rise of Constantine begun with the wars with the Persians that they were facing, in addition to managing the northern Germanic tribes which contained many of the Roman military resources (Irvin, History of the World Christian Movement, 160). As the Roman Empire began working with someRead MoreThe Decline Of The Roman Empire Essay2032 Words  | 9 Pages By the seventh and eighth centuries, the Roman empire had undergone a series of cultural changes, including an influx of Germanic tribes, political reforms, and most of all, the rise to prominence of Christianity. These social changes have prompted a historical debate over when the Roman Empire fell. According to the Belgian historian, Henry Pirenne, the Roman empire did not die in 476 AD as many of his nineteenth and early twentieth century colleagues maintained. Instead, Pireene argued that Rome
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Nonverbal Communication And The Body Language Essay Example For Students
Nonverbal Communication And The Body Language Essay Nonverbal communication are the signals that we put off when expressing to another individual. This is suggested to as our body language. However, it is always helpful to have a beneficial communication as a foundation acceptable to have an excellent relationship, either personal or professional. This subject indeed fascinated me, so I chose to research all that I could on this topic. I believe it’s a useful factor for each of us to recognize more about our nonverbal communication, in turn to have an improved understanding with those around us. Nonverbal communication is as worthy then what you are essentially speaking, therefore there are various distinctive categories of body language that an individual might interpret as somewhat otherwise. First point that I would like to discuss is nonverbal communication skills in a relationship. After all you’re nonverbal communication can furthermore play a vast amount in your relationship, as well. However, altogether your nonverbal communication is associated with speaking, and importantly listening too. Nonetheless once you can perfect your listening skills, then you have healthier responding skills. Therefore, furthering these skills, and your awareness of body language, also other nonverbal skills, everyone around you can benefit from you improving your communication skills. However, you should be more aware of the distinctive signs from your partner, otherwise they could go unnoticed. Although, if you can communicate effectively your overall happiness is increased, therefore improving your interpretation of your partners nonverbal communication skills. This will expand your emotional intelligence. Although, this can have a massive impact on any relationship. Furthe. . ing fingers, or fidgeting, could mean the person is impatient, or frustrated. Furthermore, you have a social distance mainly with friends; then you have a public distance with co-workers; finally a personal distance which is with couples.Nonverbal communication is as worthy then what you are essentially speaking, therefore there are various distinctive categories of body language that an individual might interpret as somewhat otherwise. I had no indication that your nonverbal was more than just how you held your hands, or the expression on your face. We are always being analyzed every time we interact with another individual. However, being aware of your nonverbal communication, you are more mindful of your emotional needs. When observing others pay attention to inconsistencies, look at nonverbal communication signals as a group, and trust your instincts.
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